Saturday, July 17, 2010

1st Week of Chemo

Thank you all for your prayers. I know a lot of you have tried to call to talk to my mom and I am sorry that you haven't been able to. She is so exhausted and really not feeling good and talking at all just wipes her out. Literally any noise is just too much for her right now. Tuesday was a good day but by Tuesday night she wasn't feeling good and she hasn't felt good since. Today is a little better but Wed-Friday she was not doing good at all. She said she feels like a truck has run her over. Please be praying that she starts feeling better next week and also for her spirits because just laying around all day not feeling good has been hard on her. Also knowing that she is going to have to do this over and over is really affecting her and has been hard.

I know that you all want to talk to her and see how she is doing but right now she can't take it. She knows that you have called and once she is feeling better I know she will try to call some of you back. You all have been so amazing to us and your willingness to help has been overwhelming. We can't thank you enough. The meals we received this week were awesome and took a huge burden off my shoulders so thank you for those of you who helped out with that. I know you all want to help and the best way is prayers. That is what my mom wants and that is what we all need.

Sorry I didn't get to update this sooner and I will try to write more often. Things are just a little crazy and busy around here.

Thanks again,


  1. I'm so sorry it's been a crummy week :( I wish I lived there so I could be of some kind of help. I will continue to pray, and pray that Bonnie's body gets "used" to the chemo, and doesn't continue to knock her out. Love you all! I will continue to pray. Thanks Allysa for posting! I know you are working hard at Art Camp and at home!

  2. Allysa you are doing such a great job keeping us all updated. Thank you for taking the time to do it with everything else you have taken on. Having been on both sides of prayer, I know that it is the most important thing we can do for another. So the Masten family will continue on a daily basis. Tell your Mom and Dad we love them and look forward to the day when we will hear some great news.

  3. Thanks, Allysa. You are doing a great job and we appreciate the updates. We're praying consistently for all of you...
