Tuesday, October 5, 2010

5th treament

We have some specific prayer requests for all you to be praying for considering my mom. Yesterday she had her 5th treatment and the doctor is really concerned about her liver, her brain and her feet. Her body is just not responding well to all the chemo that she has had and they are afraid of the long term effects on her body it is going to have. So right now they are even considering not doing the 6th treatment, which would be her last and it would be nice for her to not have to go through this again but it leaves the fear of the cancer not being completely killed. She also is not doing good at all and I know that this is going to be a hard week.

I am thankfully able to go home on thursday through sunday, which will be nice for us all so hopefully I can post on here again for you all sometime this weekend. But please be praying specifically for my mom's brain, liver and her feet. They are going to be doing a sonogram of her liver before her next treatment to make sure everything is ok. Also they are going to have her come in the week before treatment to make sure her body is able to take the last one.

Thanks for all your prayers,


  1. definitely praying! I will pray for wisdom all the way around! I'll get some cards in the mail as well.
    Thank you for posting Allysa!

  2. Not easy to hear and definitely not easy to go through for any of you especially Bonnie!

    Praying: "My grace is sufficient for you. All the more I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of God may be manifest in me."

    God is our shelter and strength, a very present help in time of trouble...

    Love to all

  3. Bonnie, I'm so sorry. I will be praying. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding... With love from Carolynn and John Hoye

  4. Bonnie,

    I can honestly say "I've been there" ... there's life at the end of the tunnel. I am so sorry it is getting so hard. I remember my last two and they were very hard. You just kind of get to the end of yourself. try not to stress out about the what-if's ... there's some flexibility in this - when I started having nerve damage, they scaled back on the one drug responsible. I know a friend who couldn't tolerate one of the drugs & they cut it out. she had uterine cancer and 15 years later she's doing great. I don't think it has to be all or none. : ) Miriam
