Thursday, October 21, 2010

Last chemo monday 10/25

Good news my Liver enzymes are not worse. Bad news they still aren't great.
Doc believes they are OKAY for chemo on Monday.

Careful what you pray for- Now I am going to have chemo -blah!

I am just thankful I get to finish the chemo. Please pray that I will not have any life time effects or damage from the chemo.

I am on schedule to begin radiation on Nov. 8Th. I am hoping it won't be too tiring. I was told today that I may have trouble with my liver and white blood cell count during radiation. ugh

Well here we go again!

God is always good and knows what is best for his children. There are so many times that things looked so bleak and then there is a rainbow.

FYI- you know that part about skinny and bald- didn't happen- I have GAINED weight
A side effect of all the steroids-Fat and Bald, but humble...

Thank you all for praying
I love you all


  1. Praying for you Bonnie! Randy gained weight on chemo too.....he didn't have any steriods either! They kept saying it was a good thing. Praying for no lasting side effects for you!!


  2. Never thought we'd be praying for more chemo for you, but alas, we are! I am praying for stamina and no lasting effects. I would substitute "calm and chic" for "fat and bald", because God's peace is evident in your life and no one else I know can pull off the scarf/hat combo swirl as elegantly as you can!

  3. Love you so much! I'm glad that you are able to have this last dose of chemo... best chances for it to be gone. Definitely praying for a full recovery for you! I can't wait to see you when I come home for Christmas. Tomorrow is the Livestrong Challenge 5K... you are one of the names on my bib, and I put the names on the wall at the Livestrong Village today as well.
    Hang in there!

  4. Bonnie- Just wanted to let you know you are continually in my thoughts and prayers.
    love you, cathy

  5. Praying strength for you this week Bonnie.

    Much love,
    Mary Hampton

  6. You are in my prayers as well. I guess you should be thankful that you look dah-ling in hats :)
