Monday, August 23, 2010

1/2 way through chemo!!!!

Thank you for your prayers. I had chemo today. I am feeling really tired and a little nauseated but doing fine. Unfortunately, I kept thinking I wouldn't have chemo and for got to drink a lot of water beforehand. My veins were difficult again but they got it on the 3rd try. I am just praising God, I didn't want to be delayed. My bladder infection urinalysis on friday was negative. They want me to stay on the meds until they are finished to make sure it doesn't return. White blood cell count is better but not quite normal, so I have to have injections the rest of the week.
I hate going in each day when I am really sick- but I don't really have any choice.

Thank you Linda, Robin and Arika for taking me and visiting with me today. Chemo is so much easier when people visit with me.

I will not be posting until after friday. Please pray that the meds will work as well as last time or even better!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

thanks for all the prayers...I had Chemo! I never thought I would be grateful for chemo?


  1. Third try--ouch! Glad you got to go ahead with the chemo, though. Halfway there is quite a milestone. We're keepin' the prayers coming your way...

  2. I wonder why your blog isn't showing up when I look for it. I kept checking Monday night until late, and I looked yesterday but it wasn't there, and then it's there today but says it's from Monday evening. So weird.
    Anywhoo, I'm glad that you were able to get chemo and didn't have to wait. And, um, do I need to slap your wrists for not drinking water? You should be drinking water anyway :)
    Love you so much! Hope you got the cards I sent and will try and get some more out soon!
    Love you lots! Miss you! I'll try and call soon and tell you about my fifth graders that I'm subbing for!

  3. Your last post somehow made me think of Daniel in the fiery furnace and how it's a picture of the circumstances of our lives sometimes. We find ourselves in even life threatening situations and, like Daniel, come out not even smelling of smoke...but, having been touched and used of God in ways that would have not been possible otherwise. Praying daily for u all. Love, Wayne & Bonnie
