Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chemo begins monday 12th

so much for Thursday- I am scheduled for this Monday. Chemo takes 4-5 hours and then we will see how the next few days go. I have been encouraged to clear my schedule for the week until I know how my body will respond. They have scheduled me every 3rd Monday until the end of October. the second treatment will be August 2ND. I was scheduled for jury duty-hope this is a good enough excuse!
If there are no delays due to my white blood cell count etc. I will begin radiation 2 weeks after chemo. Radiation will be 5 days a week for 25 days. If there are no problems, I should be finished by Christmas! That is my prayer, Chemo done by Thanksgiving and radiation by Christmas!
Seems like such a long time to be sick and tired but with an eternal perspective it really is very little time. I am a little anxious for monday please pray for peace that surpasses understanding.
As for the neck, there is a chance it is not cancer. My doctors have decided to wait 6 months and do a sonogram and determine if it has grown. If it has it will be removed and will probably be thyroid cancer which requires radioactive iodine for 5 days in isolation. Not to bad after chemo and radiation. Still hoping that it is not cancer and I don't need another surgery.
Blessings to you all
I am so truly encouraged daily through all of you
I thank my God for how much love I have received.


  1. I love you Bonnie! I will definitely be praying that your body will handle it well and that you will need the least amount of treatment possible. I'm sure that you will be a blessing to the other patients and nurses while you are having treatment. I know God has a plan for both of us, you give me the courage to be patient as I wait for His plan for my teaching career. Thank you for all you have done for me!

  2. Praying for you today, Bonnie. God had me up very early! I know that even tho this is not our "druthers", He will be faithful to bring those to you that otherwise would not be in your path. How very fortunate your care-givers are to have you in their days. "He is our strength and shield..."
